So this morning my wife lets the dogs out in the backyard, and as I am going out the french doors she tells me to go get the camera. I ask why, as she is showing me a dragonfly perched on the door hinge. I go get the camera, and snap a couple of photos. I was not satisfied with the out come of the image so, Jennifer decides to get the dragonfly to rest on her hand. In my mind I was thinking ,yeah right this thing is going to fly away before I can snap another photo. To my amazement, there it was perched on her hand. Jen has a way with animals. She is the type that will stop all traffic to get a snapping turtle off the road. So I got the image I was looking for. Then Mr. Dragonfly decides his 5 seconds of fame is over and flys away. Only to get about 10 feet away ,when Mr. Bird comes flying in, and in mid-air Mr. Bird grabs Mr. Dragonfly & gulp he is gone!!! Jen was in told shock. I on the other hand, thought that this was the coolest thing, and I must say the funniest. Jennnifer's face had the most perplexed expression I have seen in a while.
So the moral to this story- well there isn't one. I just thought it was a funny way to start the day.
So the moral to this story- well there isn't one. I just thought it was a funny way to start the day.
Later- David