Two weeks ago, when everyone was waking-up @ 3a.m. to go shopping for STUFF. Stuff that was marked up 110% all year long, and now you could save 30% off. You know, that sooo long awaited Black Friday. We decided to start a new tradition. We ventured out like John Smith and Pocahontas, and went kayaking. We went along with Jennifer’s uncle and her four cousins. It was peaceful & relaxing. Some of us were a bit more relaxed, as you will see on one of the photos with Jasmine. She has her feet up in the air while I paddled. We finally clocked in 6 ½ hours and 7 miles. I am hooked on kayaking.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thankfull Heart

So Thanksgiving is upon us once again. As I reflect on all that God has blessed me with, I start to do that year in review thing. As I was driving into work, crossing the bridge I looked out over the water seeing the sunrise, (as you can tell I trying to paint you a picture here), I was thanking God for the three blessing that He has given me. Jennifer, Marisa, & Jasmine. These three wonderful, beautiful young ladies are the reason I am who I am today. Jennifer, this heaven sent women was brought into my life 17 years ago. I know for a fact that God set the both of us, from the day we were born, on a collision course to meet 17 years after He gave us life. She is a woman of strength , courage, of selflessness, love and compassion. She has always believed in me when no one else has. She is my completer. Marisa, our first miracle baby. It was thirteen years ago this Christmas Eve that our Rissy came into our lives. She as strong as her momma, thoughtful in every way, loving, caring, very artsy and memory that you would think she has an external hard drive attached to the top her brain. And Jasmine, a.k.a. Jazzy. Well when Jennifer was 5 weeks pregnant with Jasmine, Jennifer was struck by lighting. To be exact she was struck by what they call secondary lighting. Jennifer was closing the the blinds to the sliding glass door, when a lighting bolt struck at the back of the house, sending the current through the alarm system that was connect to the metal frame of the door that Jennifer was now touching. Jennifer was knocked unconscious, but after the paramedics check her out she was all right. A bit of a erratic heart beat and a bad headache, but she was good. Then roughly 8 months later Jazzy was born. You are probably asking why did I tell you this story. Two reasons, first, that makes Jasmine our second miracle baby. Secondly, Jennifer and I believe this is the reason Jazzy is soooo high energy. She is our hand FULL of joy when any of us are needing a pick me up. She has a big heart, just like her sis, and momma. She loves to act, and any opportunity she has, she demonstrates it! Each of one them has taught me things that other wise I would never have learned, and for that I thank God for bringing these three huge blessings into my life.
May you take a moment this season, to stop and really thank God for the people that He has blessed you with.
Happy Thanksgiving.
May you take a moment this season, to stop and really thank God for the people that He has blessed you with.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ida Baker Bulldogs
We were asked to document the 08-09 Football season for Ida Baker High School. Here are some photos from their Homecoming game. The game ball was delivered in an Army Black Hawk Helicopter. That was a sight I will never forget!!!
And Thank You To all of you who have, and continue to serve our country so we can have the freedoms we do.
Like a good Friday night high school football game.
By the way Baker over Estero 43-0.

Justin Senior Photos
This young man has a God given talent to play the guitar. Justin's love for music is evident everywhere he goes.
Thornhill Family
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Haiti Relief
We have teamed up with Pastor Ted Lyke from
Christian Life Fellowship
and created video that was placed on
Youtube for disaster relief in Haiti.
Just when we think we have it so rough,
we get a glimpse of what hard times are really about.
If you can forward this link to anyone & everyone that can help.
See below for the information Pastor Ted has sent me.
Here is the link:
God Bless you all,
David Rodriguez
P.S. the quality of the video was lessen when placed on Youtube, but if you need a copy of the DVD you can contact me via email or phone - Thanks David
Below is the sent by Pastor Ted Lyke
My Church is working with several other ministries including, Hope for Haiti, Naples Rotary, The Christian Chamber, Missions With Out Borders, on a Food Relief day for the starving people of Haiti , Almost 1 million homeless from this years storms.
Ted Lyke
The People of Haiti are starving. You’re invited to help!
On Sat. Nov 8th 2008, at Christian Life Fellowship Church, we will be packaging 285,000 meals to fill up a 40 foot container of food to ship to Haiti.
We need $40,000.00 to fund the project, currently we have about $25,0000.00 committed. Tax Deductable Gifts can be made out to CLF Church:
Memo Food for Haiti.
We are also looking for some needed hard goods (Tables Etc) and 3 shifts of 320 volunteers each (This would be great family service event for children 10
and up, or JR or SR high youth groups to come as a team)
This is a list of needs Necessary items:
(46) rectangular 6' tables (have 6, need 40)
(20) rectangular 8' tables (have 3, need 17)
(3) pallet jacks
one fork lift for Friday and Saturday
(4) sheets of 1/4" plywood
20 people for Friday set up
300-320 people per each 2 hour shift
9-11AM 12-2 PM 2:30 – 4:30 PM on Sat Nov 8th
20 people for Saturday clean up 4:30 – 6:00PM
Christian Life Fellowship Church
1200 SW 20th Ave.
Cape Coral, Florida 33991239
283-2299 Ask for Lily
Or call the project coordinator
Jim Somers @ (239) 246-8910
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Stand in the Rain

Isaiah 40:31 says,
But they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles: they shall run and not be weary: and they shall walk , and not faint.
O.K so here it is, I’m getting raw and personal . There is a song I sometimes hear on the radio. The lyrics go something like this,
so stand in the rain,
stand your ground
stand up when it all comes crashing down
You stand through the pain
You won’t drown
And one day, what’s lost can be found
You stand in the rain
Well right now in our lives everything has come crashing down. My beautiful mother died 4wks ago from a self inflicted gunshot wound, something I always feared. The past few weeks have been at times unbelievable, unbearable and just down right crushing. I know where my hope lies, but my heart can’t see past the grief. Some days I just want to run and never stop to look back. But then I see my girls trying to understand why their mema is gone,
and I realize I’ve got to be strong for them.
Many things have also died along with my mom. My understanding of how I fit into a not so blended family, and the loss of my moms personal possessions. These issues have complicated an already devastating time and saddened and grieved me in ways that are indescribable. My heart continues to struggle with these and a host of other things. But, I believe through it all my God is still in control! I know that even though I don’t feel or see it now that my pain will be turned into beauty, and all that’s been lost will be restored. Psalm 147:3 tells me that, He heals the broken hearted, and binds up their wounds. This is the promise I must hang on to. I also take great comfort in knowing that even though my mom took her own life, she was a believer in Jesus Christ. And that the pain, that caused her to make that life ending decision is now over, as she rests in the arms of her heavenly Father at peace. One day we’ll be together again, but until then I will continue to strive to live a life of honor and integrity.
Many things have also died along with my mom. My understanding of how I fit into a not so blended family, and the loss of my moms personal possessions. These issues have complicated an already devastating time and saddened and grieved me in ways that are indescribable. My heart continues to struggle with these and a host of other things. But, I believe through it all my God is still in control! I know that even though I don’t feel or see it now that my pain will be turned into beauty, and all that’s been lost will be restored. Psalm 147:3 tells me that, He heals the broken hearted, and binds up their wounds. This is the promise I must hang on to. I also take great comfort in knowing that even though my mom took her own life, she was a believer in Jesus Christ. And that the pain, that caused her to make that life ending decision is now over, as she rests in the arms of her heavenly Father at peace. One day we’ll be together again, but until then I will continue to strive to live a life of honor and integrity.
One that brings glory and honor to my Father, And would make my mom proud!
Ralph Waldo Emerson has a poem that defines success, it reads like this.
To laugh often and much, To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others! To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
This is you mom! You succeeded the rest despite your struggle.
Love you always!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
***August Specials***

High School Senior Session Special:
We have extended 1 more month!!!!!!!!
We have extended 1 more month!!!!!!!!
Book now
Senior Split - You & one friend can
Senior Split - You & one friend can
spilt the cost of a session,
basically 2 for 1.
Book by August 31st. & also receive 12 wallets Free.
August Special:
August Special:
Portrait Session
Book before August 31st.
Book before August 31st.
receive a 30% off prints & surprise gift.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Exchange Students
Well what an amazing 3 weeks it has been! We just said good-bye to our two foreign exchange students Jocelyn-from Taiwan, and Maria-from Spain. For these two young ladies it was the first time to the United States. They impacted our family in such a huge way, that they will forever be in our hearts. They tried every food that was placed in front of them without any gripes or complaints (that in itself should teach us all a lesson). Some of Jocelyn’s firsts were- cheeseburger and Cracker Jack’s at a baseball game, big breakfast on Saturdays at the Rodriguez family cooked by ours truly “Iron Chef David“, tie-died pancakes by Marisa, and Chili. Maria’s first were Chili, (kudos to Jennifer- my wife is a mean cook) Yogurt with granola, and gourmet potato chips. Jens health food stuff was very popular with both girls. Thank you Jennifer for looking out for our health!!- I do not say often enough- Thanks honey!!! But beyond that, our family prayed for weeks prior to them coming that this would just not be an experience that would come and go, but that we some how, some way would be able to share the love that Christ has so generously given to us. On their first Sunday here, we were able to go to church and let them both experienced what God’s family is all about. Later in the week I was able to share with them the salvation message, all because they asked why we let two strangers in our house to stay with us. God’s people ( that is all people ) are so special, if we would just let down our guard and put down our masks. If we would stop hiding behind these masks and truly get to know people, then we would build meaningful relationships and would see that we are all looking to fill that God shape hole that is in all of us.Our girls , Marisa & Jasmine, had roommates that were beyond fun. They played silly games, played music (Jonas Brothers – I think I was even singing this in my sleep- Thanks Rissy!! ) they read books, and played tag on the beach, while Jennifer and I did a family portrait session. They took in the students, as they were their own sisters. That was awesome to see!!!Last but certainly NOT least was Mother Hen, my honey Jennifer. WOW this woman is an awesome woman. She is the one that got them to the bus stop every morning @ 7:30am. Packed their lunch, made sure they had the things they needed for the day. Made an awesome dinner every night, and some how super naturally still kept our home front running as normal as usual. Not to mention she helped me with two photo shoots. She is a natural when it comes to this, and for that honey I love & thank you for ALL you do for us!!!!!!So with all this being said, the Rodriguez Family did two mission trips, without ever leaving the country. We are so thankful for the opportunity we had, and will definitely do it again.
Later- David (photos to come)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Recent Shoots
Friday, June 27, 2008
Back on track!?! Maybe
Well this is just a quick post - for all of those that have been asking where we have been. Well busy! With high school senior,engagement, & portrait sessions I have been a bit behind on posting new entries. Not to mention we actually were able to get away for a family vacation. Oh so refreshing. More to come regarding that as well ,our girls had a blast. There is more to come as well , the summer is not over yet you know. My two sisters and their families along with our family will be meeting this coming month at Disney World. Then we are having two exchange students staying with us for 2 1/2 weeks. One student is from Taiwan and the other from Spain. Our family is really looking forward to this. Well I am going to try very hard to post some new things this weekend. For now, have bless weekend. -David
Friday, June 6, 2008
Summer Special
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Ty & Heather

These are some images from a recent photo shoot.Ty & Heather were a fun couple to do a shoot with. Ty & his twin brother have an acoustical band called "The Icarus Account" Check them out @
Their second album should be out in the near future.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Grooms Family Vacation Shoot
This is some photos from a family portrait session we did recently. This good looking family came down for vacation from Iowa. They had a exchange student from Norway, as you can tell she is the only one with blond hair. We were blessed with perfect Southwest Florida weather!!!!! This is what Florida living is all about- now ask me that in August, when the humidity is 100% & the temp. is about 98 degrees and I may have another opinion about it.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Early bird gets the dragonfly?!?
So this morning my wife lets the dogs out in the backyard, and as I am going out the french doors she tells me to go get the camera. I ask why, as she is showing me a dragonfly perched on the door hinge. I go get the camera, and snap a couple of photos. I was not satisfied with the out come of the image so, Jennifer decides to get the dragonfly to rest on her hand. In my mind I was thinking ,yeah right this thing is going to fly away before I can snap another photo. To my amazement, there it was perched on her hand. Jen has a way with animals. She is the type that will stop all traffic to get a snapping turtle off the road. So I got the image I was looking for. Then Mr. Dragonfly decides his 5 seconds of fame is over and flys away. Only to get about 10 feet away ,when Mr. Bird comes flying in, and in mid-air Mr. Bird grabs Mr. Dragonfly & gulp he is gone!!! Jen was in told shock. I on the other hand, thought that this was the coolest thing, and I must say the funniest. Jennnifer's face had the most perplexed expression I have seen in a while.
So the moral to this story- well there isn't one. I just thought it was a funny way to start the day.
So the moral to this story- well there isn't one. I just thought it was a funny way to start the day.
Later- David
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Things we overlook
There is many times that I find myself caught up in the everyday schedule, and I forget the beauty that is all around us. This is one of the times that I was taken back by the beauty that God has created. It made me stop and take in the moment.
Take time to look around you today.
There is beauty all around us!!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Here we are- New to the blog world
Hey everyone,
We are here to announce our blog. Jen or I will bring you up to speed with all that is going on. We will feature specials, and just fun stuff that is going on. Stay tune....................
See ya, David
We are here to announce our blog. Jen or I will bring you up to speed with all that is going on. We will feature specials, and just fun stuff that is going on. Stay tune....................
See ya, David
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